Enrolled Customer Profile

The Enrolled Customer Profile page lets you view and manage profiles of customers enrolled in Internet banking. This page offers easy access to customer information and allows you to perform various actions, such as viewing details, updating customer information, and deactivating profiles.

Accessing The Enrolled Customer Profile Page

  1. Log into the application using your credentials

  2. From the dashboard, navigate to E-Channels

  3. Select Internet Banking

  4. Click on Enrolled Customer Profile

Manage Customer Profiles

Viewing A Customer Profile

To view the details of a specific customer:

  1. Locate the customer you wish to view from the list.

  2. Click the three-dot icon in the Actions column on the far right (⋮).

  3. Select View to open the customer’s profile details.

Modify A Customer Profile

To update or modify a customer’s profile information:

  1. Locate the customer you want to modify.

  2. In the Actions column, click the three-dot icon (⋮).

  3. Select Modify to open the modification options.

  4. Make the necessary changes to the customer profile.

  5. Click Update to apply the changes.

Deactivate A Customer Profile

To deactivate a customer’s profile:

  1. Find the customer profile you want to deactivate.

  2. In the Actions column, click the three-dot icon (⋮).

  3. Select Deactivate to remove the customer’s access to Internet banking.

  4. Confirm the action by clicking Yes, I want to proceed when prompted.

Last updated