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The Loan page enables you to manage customer loans, including creating new loans, monitoring repayments, and updating loan details. This feature allows CBA operators to handle various loan types, track outstanding balances, and manage interest rates and repayment schedules.
You can run the following operations with the loan feature:
Create Loan
This allows you to create a new loan.
Modify Loan
This allows you to edit or update the loan details, such as changing the loan amount, interest rate, tenure, or repayment schedule.
Repayment Schedule
This action displays the loan’s repayment schedule, detailing the amount, due dates, and instalment structure for paying back the loan.
Repay Loan
This enables you to record a loan repayment, either partially or fully, updating the outstanding balance and reflecting the transaction in the repayment history.
Release Security Deposit
If the loan is secured with a deposit, the security deposit can be released once the loan is fully repaid or when certain conditions are met.
Disburse Loan
This action initiates the loan disbursement process, transferring the loan amount to the customer’s account after approval. The loan status changes to “Disbursed” after this action.
Revoke Loan
This option revokes or cancels a loan application that is no longer valid or needed. This can be done anytime before the final disbursement.
Loan Agreement Letter
This generates and downloads the loan agreement document/offer letter, which outlines the loan's terms and conditions, such as repayment schedules, interest rates, and penalties.
This action lets you view the loan details, including customer information, loan terms, and any associated documents, without making modifications.
Log into the application using your credentials.
From the dashboard, navigate to Accounts in the side menu.
Select Customer Account from the dropdown list.
Select Loan from the Customer Account dropdown list.
To search for a loan, follow these steps:
Click on the Filter button at the top right of the page.
Input your search criteria. You can search by Account Name, Customer ID, Reference Number, Account Officer, Loan Account Number, IPPIS/Oracle ID, Loan Product, Loan Disbursed, Branch or loan Status.
Click Apply to view the loan details that match your search.
To create a new loan, perform the following steps:
Click the Add button at the page's top left.
Input any of the following: customer ID, name, or email.
Click on the Search button.
Select the desired row on the search result.
Fill in your loan information.
Click Submit to save the loan details.
Confirm the action by clicking the “Yes, I want to proceed” button.
The loan status will be updated to Active, and the customer can begin repayments according to the schedule.
To modify an existing loan, follow these steps:
In the Actions column, click the three vertical dots (⋮) next to the loan you wish to edit.
Select Modify from the dropdown menu.
Update the loan details, such as the Loan Service Details, Loan Account Information, Collateral Information, Guarantor Information or Other Documents.
Click Submit to save and apply the changes.
Confirm the modification by selecting “Yes, I want to proceed.”
To disburse a loan after it’s created:
In the Actions column, click the three vertical dots (⋮) next to the loan you wish to disburse.
Select Disburse Loan from the dropdown menu.
Confirm the action by clicking “Yes, I want to proceed.”
To revoke a loan application after it’s created:
In the Actions column, click the three vertical dots (⋮) next to the loan you wish to revoke.
Select Revoke Loan from the dropdown menu.
Confirm the action by clicking “Yes, I want to proceed.”
To track and also execute loan repayments:
In the Actions column, click the three vertical dots (⋮) next to the loan you wish to track.
Select Repay Loan from the dropdown menu.
Navigate to any Repay Loan tab to see a breakdown of all payments made, including the date, amount paid, and remaining balance.
Select a Payment Option located at the top left. You can either select part payment or full payment.
Click the Repay Loan Button.
Confirm the action by clicking “Yes, I want to proceed.”
To restructure an existing loan:
In the Actions column, click the three vertical dots (⋮) next to the loan you wish to restructure.
Select Restructure Loan from the dropdown menu.
Navigate to the Repayment Information Details tab.
Edit your desired repayment information.
Click the Restructure Loan button on the bottom right.
Confirm the action by clicking “Yes, I want to proceed.”
To download loan schedule repayments:
In the Actions column, click the three vertical dots (⋮) next to the loan you wish to download.
Select Repayment Schedule from the dropdown menu.
To download, select the Export option at the top right. You can download it as PDF, EXCEL, or PRINT.
To release loan security deposit:
In the Actions column, click the three vertical dots (⋮) next to the loan you wish to release.
Select Release Security Deposit from the dropdown menu.
Confirm the action by clicking “Yes, I want to proceed.”
To download the loan agreement letter:
In the Actions column, click the three vertical dots (⋮) next to the loan you wish to download.
Select Loan Agreement Data from the dropdown menu.
Confirm the action by clicking “Yes, I want to proceed.”